

Tuition –
When you enroll you agree to enter into a 9-month contract and will keep your child in Creative Kids Preschool for the full session.  You also agree to pay the full session’s tuition, payable in 9 monthly payments.  The first payment is due August 14, 2012 with each payment due thereafter by the 1st class each month.  The last payment is due May 1, 2012

·         2-day/week (T_TH) class is $70.00 /mo. 
·         $60.00/mo. per child, if multiple children enrolled per family

Payment Procedures –
We accept cash, checks or money orders made payable to Rachel Hanchett.  Any returned check is subject to a $25 charge.  If you are paying with cash, please ask for a receipt.

Fees –
Enrollment: When you enroll your child, a non-refundable registration fee of$25 for the T_TH class will be charged to secure a spot in our program.  That money will be utilized each year to help purchase classroom supplies.

Late Payment: Tuition is considered late after the 10th of each month.  A $25 late fee will be charged on any payments received after the 10th.  If tuition has not been received by the 30th, your child will no longer be enrolled in Creative Kids Preschool. If there are extenuating circumstances regarding your finances, please contact the director to discuss how they might impact your tuition.

Late Pickup: You should be prompt when picking up your child from preschool.  However, it is a fact of life that unexpected events occur.  Therefore, you will be given a one-time “excused” late pick up.  Each additional late pick up (10+ minutes after school is out) will result in a $5 late pickup fee.  Please call if you are running late.  It will not waive your late fee, but it will comfort your child to know you are on the way.

Refunds –
Enrolling your child reserves a space for that child.  Tuition is due whether or not your child attends.  No credit or refund is given for your child’s sick days or vacation.