Session Term

Session Term –
The Fall/Winter preschool session is held from August 14, 2012 - May 21, 2013  

Class Schedule –
4-5 Years Old (Pre-K):  This class meets in the mornings from 9:00-11:30 a.m. 2-days/week (T_TH)

Closures –
We follow the Mesa Public School District schedule to aid families with older children in their vacation plans.  A calendar will be given to you at the beginning of preschool that will tell you when preschool is in session. In addition to other days that the school district is closed, you can plan on us being closed for the following holidays:
          Labor Day
          Civil Rights Day
          President’s Day
          Memorial Day

Provider Sickness –
Please have a back-up caregiver available in the rare instance that I must close the preschool due to sickness or family reasons.  In this contract I allow myself up to 2 missed preschool days without refunding a portion of your tuition –or- making up the sick days.  However, if I close the preschool for 3+ days for sickness or family reasons, I will gladly refund everyone’s tuition at a prorated amount per missed school day, beginning at the 3rd missed day and continuing on with each additional missed day until the end of the school year.