About Me

       Hello! I'm Miss Rachel and I'm so happy you are here! The reason I decided to start a preschool in my home is simple, my kids! As a mother being at home with my children is very important to me and this allows me to not only stay at home with my children and help them learn and grow but to have other sweet little friends in our home learning and growing right along with us. 

      I knew I wanted to work with children long ago and because of that desire I am now a certified elementary education teacher. I  taught for 3 years before starting a family and becoming a stay at home mom. During those 3 years I covered kindergarten, a 1st/2nd grade combo class and a 4th/5th grade combo class where we taught at around a second to third grade level, so I've covered a lot of ground in those few years. I have also participated in a co-op preschool with some friends  a couple of years ago with my oldest was preschool age. 

      In addition to my professional teaching experience I have plenty of experience with young children as I am the mother of three children ranging in age from 2.5 to 7 years old. I like to do all kinds of things and hope I can share some of that interest with my preschoolers. Some of my hobbies are reading, I love a good book, sewing & crafting, I like to make things for my family and home, and of course spending time with my family and friends. I am very excited about this new adventure and hope you will join me!