Daily Schedule

Welcome Circle – 20 min.
Sharing Time: Each child stands and takes a turn to share their Sharing Time item or tell us anything they’d like.

Weekly Theme Exploration: We discuss the weekly theme and play a learning game such as fishing for letters or categorizing small and big planets.

Rhythms and Movement: We use musical instruments to create rhythms and patterns.  We sing and move our bodies and get our wiggles out before school time.

School Time – 5 min.
Pledge of Allegiance: We show respect as we say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Calendar and Weather: We talk about the beautiful (or not so beautiful) weather outside and any upcoming birthdays or special events by their marked days on the calendar.

Letter of the Week – 20 min.
We use our marker board to practice writing the letter correctly.  We give lots of encouragement and High Fives!  We read a story with our letter’s sound. We pass around the Box of Sounds containing several items with the letter’s sound, like lions, lily pads, and leopards for the letter L.

Arts & Crafts – 20 min.
Activity Sheet: The children enjoy writing on an activity sheet about the letter of the week. The children enjoy an activity sheet about a variety of skills, such as gluing, cutting, math, patterns, etc.

Arts & Crafts: Then comes the fun part of making an arts & crafts project related to the theme.  We love to paint, use glitter and glue, make puppets, and bead necklaces.

Discovery Centers – 30 min.
Children can choose child-initiated activities at the centers in our preschool room.  The teacher is available for small group instruction, 1-1 instruction, and problem solving.

Art Center: When children play at the art center, they use stickers to create their names and simple words, as well as using shapes to create objects.

Discovery Center: At this center children use their small motor skills while playing with manipulatives  such as animals, chips, monkeys, letter tiles, play money and more.  They discover math by creating patterns, sorting into categories, and grouping in colors.

Academic Centers: Children explore letters, numbers, the world, time, money and more with posters and games.

Snacks/Potty Break – 15 min.
Hand Washing: We always wash hands before we eat.

Snack Helper: Each time a child brings snacks, they get to be the snack helper.

Snack Time: Snack time is a wonderful social time for children as they relax and talk about matters that are important to them. 

Reflection Time – 10 min.
Quiet Reading: You’ll find children reading to each other and laughing at funny parts in their favorite books.

Life Skills Lesson: We’ll explore a different life skill lesson every month with puppet shows, skits, games, and more.

Story Time: Our themes come alive during our story time!

Pretend Play – 20 min.
We exercise our large motor skills with playtime outside or pretend play inside.  A child’s work is play.  They learn several things through their play, like how to express their feelings, how to help others, how things can be acted upon, etc. 

Go Home – 5 min.
We gather up our work from the day, fill up our sticker chart one sticker at a time, and sing our goodbye song.  We’re so excited to share everything we’ve learned with our parents!

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