Arrival & Departure


Arrival –
Children should arrive promptly at 9 am having already eaten breakfast. 

Departure –
Parents/guardians should arrive promptly at 11:30 to pick up their preschooler.  We cannot stress enough “Please do not be late.”  Your preschooler will be excitedly waiting for you to return.  When a preschooler sees other parents picking up their children and no one is there to pick them up, he/she may get anxious or worried. 

Child Release –
Only adults authorized on the Child Pickup Form will be allowed to take your child home.  Please let the director know if there are any changes in the routine schedule of who is picking up your child.  If an emergency arises and you need to send someone not listed on the enrollment form, you must call to notify the teacher and that person you have designated will need to show proof of identification. 

In the case of special custody arrangements between the child’s parents, please provide complete detailed instructions and any legal documentation in your child’s information records.  All instructions will be enforced by Creative Kids Preschool.